Plot to Plate - Foraged Apple and Bramble Pies

There’s nothing better than foraging for your dinner! These super simple filo pastry “pies” combine foraged brambles and Autumn apples to create delicious little parcels of fruit and spice. And don’t forget that Liverpool is full of apple trees so there should always be someone giving some away!

  1. Peel and core your apples and chop into small pieces.

  2. Put apples in a pan with a splash of water and spices of your choice. Fresh ginger or ground cinnamon work brilliantly. Add a spoonful of sugar or honey if you like a sweet mix or leave out if you like a more tart taste.

  3. Stew on a low heat until the apples are soft but not mush.

  4. Stir in a handful of washed brambles. Put the mix in a sieve over a bowl and allow some of the excess juices to drain off - keep this juice, it’s amazing on top of yoghurt or porridge.

  5. Lightly grease a muffin tray and preheat your oven according to filo packet instructions.

  6. Cut pre-made filo pastry sheets into squares, roughly overlap 3-4 pieces per pie and press gently into the muffin trays to create pockets which are ready to fill with your mix.

  7. Top up each pocket with apple and bramble mix and slightly squeeze the top of each parcel together to gently close the pastry. Sprinkle with a little brown sugar.

  8. Pop in the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes or until the filo pastry is golden brown and crisp on the edges.

  9. Plate up with a sprinkle of icing sugar.

    These mini-pies taste amazing with a bit of custard or ice cream and a scatter of chopped mint. Enjoy!


Urban Britain’s Potential as a ‘Grow your Own’ Nation.


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